Chem 207: Survey of Organic Chemistry and Petrochemicals (for Chemical Engineering Students).

CHEM 208: Brief Survey of Organic Chemistry.

CHEM 209: Introductory Organic Laboratory (for non-majors).

CHEM 210: Organic Lab for Non-Majors (premedical course).

CHEM 211: Organic Chemistry I (premedical course).

CHEM 212: Organic Chemistry II (premedical course).

CHEM 230: Senior Seminar.

CHEM 299: Independent Study (research project for senior chemistry students).

CHEM 311: Advanced Organic Chemistry (graduate course).

CHEM 351C: Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (graduate course).

CHEM 351G: Organic Optoelectronics (special course for graduate studies).

CHEM 361: Graduate Tutorial.

Some of my lectures are available on Youtube: Click here!


Last updated Nov 19, 2013